Today business want to reduce costs in their organization and get better insights of what's happening, provide better customer experiences based off of the data they pulling in and to organizations that will truly looking to transform business by creating new business models that the data analytics provide for them. We can see customers using data across a whole range of different scenarios today from sales and marketing to finance and risk, customer and channel to operations. Simplest examples …
Continue readingLets try to understand what Microsoft HDInsight is. But in order to do that we need to understand what Big Data and Hadoop is. So let's talk about Big Data. So Big Data is data that is too large or complex for analysis in traditional relational databases. Now, traditional relational databases can actually handle large volumes of data. So it is not just about the size of data, it is more about the complexity of the data as well. So when we talk about what Big Data is, we quite often talk about so…
Continue readingInternet of Things (IoT) Opportunities
The internet of things is changing our thinking about how we can interact with the surrounding. We can monitor physical objects through electronic means, getting data points from them and making data-driven decisions to make better performing products, optimize processes, reduce cost and save time for businesses. Monitoring sensors can gather such data which can be utilize to extend the lifetime of product, do predictive maintenance before actually machine fails and learning how they are being o…
Continue readingException Handling in MVC
Exceptions, we as a developer can’t neglect them, they are like bacteria, they can survive even the hardest tester, they are ancient, they come all the way without getting faded and now a days we are getting away from testers making developer more responsible to their code, we have to harness our code to handle every kind of exception keeping user experience in mind. So what to do, handle all exception, simple period. But I’d like to have backup strategy rather than going upfront with shield and…
Continue readingRepository Pattern in C#
The repository pattern adds a layer between the data and domain objects of an application. It also helps in testing data access layer easily without actually performing CRUD operation. Here we are saying data access layer and not EF or LINQ, that means the repository pattern can be used in ADO.NET too with MS SQL or MySQL or whatever you want to use as data store. This abstraction helps in large application where data is coming from many data sources like database, WCF, Rest, XML or web service.…
Continue readingDependency Injection – why we need it
Dependency Injection in nutshell
One or the other time we find someone (relatively fresh in industry) trying to make you understand why he never needed dependency injection. He’d argue that he never developed a mess in code, he hardly write virtual methods or his settings are easily saved back in xml. Then why in this world he needs Dependency injection.
I’d start with saying try writing automated unit test cases and you will understand. On the other side a long answer would say, suppo…
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